Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 82 (Part 1 ) -The Drive to Delhi!

Back up again early for another 5 hour drive from Agra to Delhi!  Although it is totally worth it! The sights again are worth thousands. One thing I noticed driving this early was the large number of overturned vehicles and accidents from the night prior.  I saw at least three large trucks overturned with grain spilling into the roadway, but even with the road covered in grain, traffic pile ups did not occur! 

We saw EVERYTHING on this drive!  Even the unexpected!  The pictures show it all!

Yep… Even this!  And not only once… Several times!

And this...

This truck was filled with people!

More Cowpatties!

Look how many people are in these trucks!

A Walking Temple!

Overturned and Broke Down Trucks!

Taking a shower! It is SO hot in India! You are constantly sweating and combine that with the large amounts of dirt! You have to shower and wash your hair at least 2 times a day, even if it is in the middle of the street! 

Just your average Dressed Up Monkey, Cobra and Snake Charmers!

And they do tricks!

Very colorful trucks!

More sights, cowpatties and animals!

The people walk for miles dressed in the most beautiful sari's to go to temple.

And more sights!

Goodbye Agra and Delhi!

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