Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 69 - Ho Chi Minh (Part 1)

We arrived in the port of Phu My which is the gateway to Ho Chi Minh City and saw some fishing boats and huts along the way!

Again we were on a private tour and therefore in order to make the most of our time here, we were off the ship as soon as we cleared customs!  We had to be off fast because the drive to Ho Chi Minh was about 1.5 to 2 hours! I was a little skeptical about driving so long, but as soon as we reached the streets of Phu My and entered the road to Ho Chi Minh I was delighted, the sights and people and the thousands of motorbikes was a sight to see!  Everywhere I looked there was something to photograph and some sight I wanted to capture! 

The two hour drive went by so fast!  I was memorized by the people on the motorbikes! They carried everything on those things! I tried to capture as many as I could, but I just couldn't!  The three things I saw people carrying that I didn't get a picture of (because I was too in shock to snap the picture) were a guy carrying about 100 ducks in one large cage, another guy with about 50 cages of birds all strapped together and finally a lady carrying what looked like a large garden of plants all around her!  

Also many of the people, espeically the women, wear masks over their mouth and some over their entire faces.  In addition, they wear gloves, long sleeves and pants and hats and it is about 95 degrees!  The reason they cover their bodies is to prevent their skin from darkening.  They want their skin to remain white.  I also think alot of the people wear the face masks to prevent them from inhaling all fumes from their bikes! Here are some of the images I did capture!  

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