Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 81 (Part 1) - The Taj Mahal and My Birthday!

It is my Birthday! I am 32 years old today and I am going to see the Taj Mahal!

We are in Agra which was transformed by two great Mughal monarchs, Akbar and Shah Jahan. They changed the little village of Agra into the second capital of the Mughal Empire during the 16th and 17 centuries. Today Agra is caught up in a world of contrasting edifices of red sandstone and white marble, narrow allies, quaint buggies, and an irresistible charm that is favorite city of the Mughals still retains. 

Therefore it is not surprising that modern Agra still reflects its Mughal heritage.  So we set off at 6 am on our drive down the narrow bustling streets of the city en route to the Taj.  People were still sleeping on the streets from the night before, shops were beginning to open and you could begin to smell the wafting aroma of Mughali cuisine.  

The Taj Mahal lies at the heart and soul of Agra.  Built by Emperor Shah Jahan, the Taj is a white marble memorial to his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal.  This monument took 22 years to be completed and was designed and planned by Persian architect Ustad Isa.  We arrived to the Taj but in order to get closer to it, you had to transfer from your car to a non-gas cart, so that car pollution would not get close to the Taj Mahal.  Luckily we were there before the gates opened, so therefore we could be one of the first people into see the Taj at sunrise.  For some reason we were allowed to enter the Indian Women only line, which had no one in it, and we buzzed right passed a line of women waiting for security!  We entered the gates to the Taj Mahal, walked  a short path, then through another gate, where you could faintly see the Taj in the distance.  

You could see its stunning design and perfect symmetry.  The elegant domes towered about the structure. As we walked through the gardens in front of the Taj, you could see the Taj reflecting in the water that lay in front of it.  Two reflecting pools line the pathways and you could see the Taj in the one, and when you turn around the arches in the other pool.  

Halfway down the path, in the middle of the pools, on a raised platform, sat a bench where Princess Diana would sit and stare at the Taj.  I just had to get my picture taken at the same spot.

We worked our way up the path to get a closer view of this amazing structure.  You could see the beautifully inlay work that could be considered the best work known to mankind.  

Next, we went inside and saw the intricately carved marble screens that surround the replica tombs.  The real tombs are buried directly blow the replicas.  On the walls, verses of the Koran are written up the sides of this domed building.  

Our guide explained everything about the Taj Mahal to us as we walked around and then let us have some free time to look around and take pictures.  We saw the sight of the Black Taj Mahal that was never built, the river that curved around the back of the Taj that somehow never flooded.  

We went to the identical mosques on both sides of the Taj. I meet a 12 year old boy, that was a wiz with the camera and showed me some great spots to take photos! We had a really fun time taking fun pictures around the Taj!

Optical Illusion!

Another Illusion!

After spending the morning here, we went back to the hotel for breakfast, a wonderful selection of Indian food!  Then the other two people we were with decided they would rather sleep than see the other sights of Agra, so we left them and had the car and guide all to ourselves!  It was great, we went all around Agra, saw the many sights of the area, the people getting ready for the day ahead. 

 We went to see a factory were they make the inlay work that is the same as the Taj.  They even let me carve out the marble, although I wasn't very good!  They let us see the precious stones that were used in the inlay wok at the Taj.  Then we went to see them make these beautiful and ornate wall hangings, all done by hand!  

We went to lunch at an authenic Indian restaurant where locals were eating.  We got yellow Dal with garlic naan bread - my new favorite food!  For a mouth cleanser after lunch, we had anise and sugar cubes - surprisingly it was really great and refreshing!  

Then we visited more sights around Agra!

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